it has only just dawned on me that at the heart of every epistemology over which the grace of God does not reign supreme is sin. i probably should have realised this sooner because it makes sense of why for all my ontological arguments for christian living and jesus as lord, there is resistance to the gospel. it totally makes sense that someone's ontological opposition to christ would not stem from their misunderstanding of the ontological reality of christ but rather from epistemological misgivings over which the Spirit has not yet lit His torch. i think this is the first time my understanding of political science and my understanding of peoples' faith and idols and insecurities and desires has ever really intersected and concluded in something other than complete frustration.
i'm glad it only took five years of university study to get me here. i'm such a quick learner!
but here i am nonetheless and thankful that i understand 1 corinthians 1 better because of my undergraduate degree. perhaps it wasn't a waste after all.