'speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.'
i was thinking yesterday about music, and how it just gladdens the soul. and not always with the conventional gladness of a smile and a skip in your step.
but gladness that speaks to a part of us that is often inexpressible.
there's something about music that can make you feel understood, unalone, uninhibited, unafraid, all at once.
like someone has taken our own unarticulated sentiments, the sentiments we didn't even know we had, and put them to a melody.
there's something about music that can make you feel that kind of glad.
and it kind of makes sense of what paul calls us to in ephesians.
and it kind of makes sense of why the psalmist is always singing.
and it kind of makes sense of why we will sing when we are Home.
'speak to each other His words, words that will affect one another's inner beings. and in doing so, fix your eyes and gaze steadily at the One who knows no bounds yet knows you infinitely. and in thanks, just be and let your hearts be known by Him, through Him.'